My Parenting Journey – Annie Oh
Tell us about your proudest moment as a parent.
It would definitely be the moment they were born, that very moment when I hear their cries, and Yes! I am a mother now!
How do you develop close relationship with your child?
We will take turns to devote an hour before bedtime to our kids, reading them bedtime stories, and hearing about how their day was spent, sharing some endearing moments together, and of course, not forgetting to end it off with lots of hugs and kisses.
What are the three most important things you want to know about raising kids?
- How to raise a happy kid?
- How to teach them to have good manners?
- Lastly, how to raise kids to be successful in life?
What are some of the biggest challenges you face in parenting? How do you deal with them?
Time management
Many families in Singapore have both parents working, leaving the kids to the helper/grandparents. This is also what is happening in our family. As both of us are working parents, we have very little time left for the kids after a long day at work.
My husband and I have to work around our schedules to make sure we are always there for our kids, in their school work and their playtime. This also means sacrificing more on couple time as well as “me” time.
Who influences your parenting style?
My husband. Despite his busy schedules, he still sets aside time for the kids. I am very impressed by that. Therefore, as a mom, I don't want to lose to him!
What advice do you have for parents who have kids of the same age?
Be there for them, do not miss their milestones. Kids grow up at an amazing speed, as fast as the speed of a bullet train!
Keen to share your parenting experience? Head over to this page to submit it online!
Last Updated on 26 July 2023
Proud father of two lovely kids, who at times pushed me to seriously consider editing out the word “lovely” from this sentence. (I am not alone in this.)