My Learning Journey – Jasmine Ee

Name: Jasmine Ee
Name of institution: Singapore Management University
Course: Masters of Science in Communications Management
Why did you choose to pursue this course?
After 20 years of working as a journalist, a marketer, a public relations specialist and an entrepreneur, the passion for communications still remains strong in me. The communication field has evolved so much especially over the past decade. Anyone wanting to excel in this field will need to constantly keep upgrading themselves. Although I kept myself well informed of the latest strategies and tactics, through workshops, courses and readings, I was not fully satisfied. To mark my 20th year since my graduation, I decided to embark on a new learning journey and get my Master's degree in an area of interest and not just an MBA.
How did you learn about this programme?
I googled for communications degrees available in Singapore and this programme caught my attention.
What is the best thing about studying in SMU?
There are two things that I really like about SMU. Firstly, it’s how the university has structured the curriculum, taking on a more strategic approach of linking communications to management. The second thing I like is location, location, location! This was important as well especially when there are evening classes on a weekday. SMU is centrally located and just one MRT station away from my office.
What has been the most interesting aspect of your learning journey?
The exposure across three continents (Asia, Europe and North America) was most interesting and insightful. You really gain valuable insights from the different perspectives and experience from people working in the various regions.
What advice do you have for students who wish to pursue a similar course?
You need to be mentally prepared that you will lose some of your weekends completely and physically prepared that you will feel drained and often exhausted with the combination of studies and work. The initial month was tough to adjust but you need to persevere.
Keen to share your learning experience? Head over to this page to submit it online!
Proud father of two lovely kids, who at times pushed me to seriously consider editing out the word “lovely” from this sentence. (I am not alone in this.)