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[Free Masterclass] Discover Robin Sharma’s Genius Formula

Based on the latest scientific research, Robin Sharma reveals his framework to turn you into a super-performer at work and life. In this free Masterclass, you will discover five new mindsets, heartsets and rituals to outperform yourself and force your greatness to unfold.

Sharma, author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and The Leader Who Had No Title, is considered to be one of the top 5 leadership experts in the world. For 20 years Sharma has refined and perfected his framework by coaching the leaders of some of the most impactful organisations on the planet, such as NASA, Microsoft, Nike, GE, and Yale University.

Course Duration

Schedule approximately 90 minutes for this class. Includes a 12-page workbook.

Course Outline

  • Learn the framework that Robin Sharma has handcrafted and taught for over 20 years which contains the key mindsets, heartsets and rituals that when applied will turn your life legendary.
  • Learn FIVE incredibly powerful and transformative mindsets, heartsets and rituals that’ll help you activate your inner hero and light the fire of greatness within you.
  • Learn a simple morning practice that refreshes the connection with your soul, eliminates negativity bias, boosts happiness levels and makes you productive throughout the day. (This is the #1 antidote to being average.)
  • Start your day with the 20/20/20 Formula and watch how productive you remain for the rest of your day. This simple strategy alone can make a huge difference in your career or business when applied for sixty-six straight days.
  • Explore the 90-90-1 Secret Of high performers

What People Say

I have already seen changes that have wide ranging impact across the organization and I can also feel many of my colleagues taking the time to reflect about their careers and their life and finally decide to reach out to that next ‘trapeze’ that has their name on it.
Frank Farrell, Director HR, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank

Your well-crafted message combined with excellent, entertaining delivery has helped us to ignite the passion of leadership within our Senior Management ranks.
R. P. Schwartz, Senior Vice–President, NABISCO​

To reserve your spot in this Masterclass, visit this page.

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